Nicole facilitates beautiful sound baths and leads you through amazing meditations! I have experienced nothing but pure love and light! The energy is warm and welcoming. I love the feeling of connectedness. I highly recommend!

~Nikki McKinzie

Nicole Alcyon Crystal Bowls Hero

Nicole Alcyon Profile Pic 2024 Cropped Hi, I’m Nicole Alcyon!

Thanks for visiting!

As a Hypnotherapist and Sound Healer since 2004, and working with the chakras since 1998, I have gained much wisdom and understanding to facilitate potent sessions tailored to what you’d like to release as well as integrate within — allowing for positive shifts and transformations within Grace, Ease, and Alignment!

Since graduating from a year-long program from Hypnosis Motivation Institute in Los Angeles in 2004, I’ve had a spiritual-centered Hypnotherapy practice I term Hypno-Chakra Therapy.

But my favorite part of my practice are the Group Sound Healing Meditations I facilitate regularly!


–Hypno-Chakra Therapy Sound Healing Sessions

–Triniti Healing Combo Session



–Enjoy a PRIVATE Sound Bath with the Solfeggio Pipes, 4 Gongs, a dozen Singing Crystal Bowls, and Chimes, with options of Tuning Forks, Drums, extra Crystal Bowls, and Tibetan Bowls



–Group Sound Healing Meditations

–Hypno-Chakra Therapy Sound Healing Meditations

–In-Depth & Transformational Chakra Courses

–Manifestation Mastery Series

Book my Sound Bath Services for your Private Party!


Group Sound Healing Meditations & Group Hypno-Chakra Sound Healing Sessions generally occur every two weeks on the Full and New Moon, though I sometimes have more or less!
Themes change!
Visit my Facebook page for the latest events since my events page is not always updated regularly on my website…



Message me to have a customized gift certificate made.

Contact Me Regarding My Various Offerings

11 + 3 =

Contact Me Regarding My Various Offerings

11 + 14 =

Grounded. Connected. Empowered.


My purpose and passion is to assist us in remembering ourselves as an extension of Source (Divine Creator) made manifest into these various human bodies (and other life forms) to experience All That Is in this land of duality/polarity…

In remembering our own Divinity Within, as well as doing inner emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual work, we establish a greater connection to our Higher Self, to our Divinity, bringing us into greater alignment with the Divine and the Divine Flow.

  • We can ride the waves of stress and challenges easier
  • We reside within this greater faith and trust even in the midst of chaos and challenges
  • We act and respond from a more wise and loving perspective of our Higher Self
  • We open up to greater opportunities that allow for our greater potential to unfold
  • We manifest our desires more readily, and in Divine Grace & Alignment
  • We Become the Change We Wish to See in the World!

Most of us don’t know how (because we haven’t been taught) to do the necessary inner transformational work that allows for our greatest Divine Potential & Expression to unfold, to live a much more enjoyable life and to be the change we wish to see in the world.

My private and group sessions, and especially my transformational courses, can assist in doing the necessary inner work and achieve this greater self-mastery!

Grounded. Connected. Empowered.


My purpose and passion is to assist us in remembering ourselves as an extension of Source (Divine Creator) made manifest into these various human bodies (and other life forms) to experience All That Is in this land of duality/polarity…

In remembering our own Divinity Within, as well as doing inner emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual work, we establish a greater connection to our Higher Self, to our Divinity, bringing us into greater alignment with the Divine and the Divine Flow.

  • We can ride the waves of stress and challenges easier
  • We reside within this greater faith and trust even in the midst of chaos and challenges
  • We act and respond from a more wise and loving perspective of our Higher Self
  • We open up to greater opportunities that allow for our greater potential to unfold
  • We manifest our desires more readily, and in Divine Grace & Alignment
  • We Become the Change We Wish to See in the World!

Most of us don’t know how (because we haven’t been taught) to do the necessary inner transformational work that allows for our greatest Divine Potential & Expression to unfold, to live a much more enjoyable life and to be the change we wish to see in the world.

My private and group sessions, and especially my transformational courses, can assist in doing the necessary inner work and achieve this greater self-mastery!

Delving Deeper

What are the benefits of Sound Healing?

Sound vibrations have a profound impact on our minds and bodies, creating a deeply relaxing and often dreamlike state. Research supports the idea that sound healing can slow brain waves and induce a calm, meditative state. For example, a study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine found that an hour of sound meditation significantly reduced tension, anger, fatigue, anxiety, and depression while increasing a sense of spiritual well-being.

Sound healing operates by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, counteracting the stress-induced fight-or-flight response. This process slows your breath rate, heart rate, and even brainwaves, allowing you to enter a trance-like state. During a sound healing session, the soothing and harmonizing effects of sound vibrations help calm the mind, balance emotions, and promote overall mental well-being.

The harmonious frequencies of the various sacred sound instruments work to clear energetic blocks, facilitating a balanced flow of energy within your mind, body, and soul.

How to make the most of a Sound Healing Meditation?

To maximize the benefits of a sound healing meditation, setting a clear intention can greatly enhance its effectiveness. While the frequencies of sacred sound healing instruments are inherently powerful for cleansing and balancing the energetic field, combining these vibrations with focused intention amplifies their healing potential.

This mindful approach not only directs the energy but also deepens the overall impact of the experience. Therefore, I incorporate a theme with every Sound Healing Meditation I facilitate.

Also, to make the most of the healing benefits of a “sound bath”, the more attentively you listen and immerse yourself in the experience, the deeper your body can relax and rejuvenate.

It is common for the “monkey mind” to be active during the experience as well, but it doesn’t negate the healing and positive effects one can gain regardless.

That said, many are able to more fully relax even if they have a hard time shutting down the monkey mind in general, and instead experience a heightened spiritual connection during these sessions, which allows divine insights to flow and enrich the experience even further.

What is "Hypno-Chakra Therapy"?

This is a term that I, Nicole Alcyon, coined to describe the work I had been doing.

It is a combination of Hypnotherapy, Chakra Balancing, and Sound Healing to create a potent session to release outdated energies and beliefs from our various energetic centers, while deep in a meditative trance facilitated by the sound healing instruments.

Read more about the practice here:

What is Hypnotherapy and how does it benefit me?

It’s similar to the benefits of Sound Healing which is why they go along so well together!

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses guided relaxation and focused attention to help individuals achieve a heightened state of awareness and suggestibility. In this hypnotic state, we can bypass the critical thinking part of the brain, making it easier to access subconscious thoughts and feelings. This allows us to rewire and reprogram outdated limiting beliefs with empowering thoughts and intentions for personal growth.

During hypnosis, brain wave activity slows to Alpha and Theta states, which are particularly conducive to openness and the adoption of new ideas. In this state, the subconscious mind becomes more receptive to suggestions that can overwrite outdated limiting beliefs and programs with healthier, more empowering beliefs.

Within a session, we work to rewrite these outdated beliefs, aligning them with your potential and goals. By using positive suggestions and visualization, hypnotherapy facilitates significant shifts in behavior, mindset, and overall well-being, allowing individuals to move forward within their potential!

Sound Healing also brings us into this hypnotic state naturally. Therefore giving hypnotic suggestions while relaxing to the sound healing frequencies allows us to more fully bypass the conscious mind to reprogram the subconscious beliefs and programs adopted from early childhood.

What sets you apart from other sound healers?

I’ve been a sound healer for a very long time, while it was still a pretty obscure modality, back in 2004. I’ve had plenty of time to play around, receiving lots of feedback, and always willing to learn and grow even more, so you can imagine in 2 decades, I’ve mastered the art of sound healing!

Before then, I had grown up playing piano – among other instruments – taking lessons throughout my childhood into my teens years, learning the art of music – to bring emotion into piano playing.

I had also grown up taking acting lessons, performing in various plays and even in movies and on TV, and learned how to bring emotion to my words.

So after becoming a Hypnotherapist, learning within a year-long program how to guide people in meditation, it was a natural transition to synthesize my past and bring that knowledge into my Sound Healing practice. To facilitate the movement of energy – both to release and to integrate – through the power of words and communicating intentionally and with emotion.

Continuing to always evolve into a more consciously aware person, I am very aware of the energy of a space, and how aware of how to create an energetically safe space, as well as how to energetically protect our own Being, especially while doing group work.

Many sound healers don’t take the time to guide their attendees and clients to energetically protect themselves.

Sound healing can be very relaxing and elicit feelings of peacefulness. But with the right facilitator, it can also be highly transformative!

Why the name "Triniti Healing"?

After graduating from a year-long Hypnotherapy program in 2004, I was meditating after doing my “A Course in Miracles” exercises.

During the meditation, meditating on what I’d like to do with my Hypnotherapy practice (this was before I got my crystal bowls), and wanting to come up with a good business name, Triniti Healing came strongly into my mind.

It was specific with 3 “i’s” and no “y”, a true trinity, with 3 syllables and 3 “i’s” I heard in my mind.

Although I wasn’t incorporating 3 different modalities, it felt clear to call my business Triniti Healing regardless.

Over the years it began to make more sense…

I incorporated 3 modalities – Hypnotherapy, Sound Healing, and Chakra work…

Not only that but these modalities have a positive and healing effect on the Body, Mind, and Spirit…

Plus in all my meditations, I would facilitate guided imagery to connect to the Source (God), our Higher Self (the Holy Spirit), and our Body/Being (Jesus, the man).

God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit constitute the Holy Trinity.

Although my meditations are general non-denominational, the cornerstone of my work is that we connect to and invoke this higher power within us.

It is “out there” but also “within”, and that energy can be strengthened within if we allow it.

Why "grounded, connected, and empowered"?

Similar to my answer of what does being conscious mean, when we are more consciously aware, working toward elevating our life with healthy, uplifting practices (such as regularly attending/listening to sound healing meditations), we will naturally feel more grounded, connected, and empowered.

My intention within each and every sound bath is to strengthen our connection to our Divinity within, and ground that through us, into this “earthly plane of existence, into Mother Earth” as I always say.

As we continually focus upon that intention, especially for those who regularly listen to/attend my sessions, we connect more fully to our Divine Essence within, stabilizing (grounding/anchoring) ourselves more fully within our Divinity.

By becoming more grounded, stabilized, and connected to your inner Divinity, you will naturally and authentically tap into your Divine Power, resulting in a greater sense of inner empowerment.

What does being "Conscious" mean?

To me, being a conscious person means I consider the energy of my thoughts, actions, and Being…

Being conscious of one’s own thoughts is being aware of both the positive and negative chatter within, and the energetic effects it may have on us.

Being human, having negative chatter at times is a given. Life is full of ups and downs, but when we are more conscious of our thoughts, we have more awareness when to reign it in, to not be consumed by it. We also are aware of healthy ways to process the more stressful and negative thoughts. We are aware sometimes it takes time to process it, and we give ourselves that Grace of time while also establishing control and boundaries with it as best we can.

To be more conscious of your actions means you are more aware of how your actions may affect others. You can’t change how others perceive your actions, but you can discern how aligned and within integrity your actions were.

And maybe we react at times, not so consciously, but we can – in our own timing – own up to how we may have acted out of alignment and integrity.

Again, we are human, we are fallible, and therefore we can give ourselves Grace, even if others don’t give that to us.

To be more conscious of your Being is to be more conscious of your energy as a whole – your energetic field as well as the energy of your physical body.

We can assess more accurately how we may come across to other people.

We may be more in tune with our body’s wants and needs.

We can better assess our health, and take better care of ourselves, as we are more in tune of what we put on and in our body, perhaps feeling certain affects.

We can feel when our bedsheets have accumulated various energies and need to be cleaned, and can feel that the physical act of washing sheets also energetically cleans them as well!

This is what I mean when I use the tag line “Elevate Your Life”.

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Triniti Healing Logo No Text